Performance & Classic Car Data

What are the fastest Ariels Quarter (1/4) Mile

Abarth LogoSo you're wondering what are the fastest accelerating Ariels over a Quarter (1/4) Mile. It's one of the most important car performance benchmarks car enthusiasts refer to. Forget 0-60mph, 0-62mph or 0-100kph, the quarter mile is the street racing standard of choice. Here is a list of estimated Ariel Quarter (1/4) Mile times ordered from the fastest to the slowest. Choose a model to view a more detailed list of figures and specs including Top Speed, BHP, Torque, Weight, images and more. This a growing Quarter (1/4) Mile list of the more significant Ariel models. n.b. Don't forget that many factors can affect Quarter (1/4) Mile times in the real world. Factors from the mechanical health of your car to the environment. Things like tyre choice and road surface to heat and humidity will make a difference to the times, not to mention the talent and weight of the driver. The quarter mile and trap speed times are calculated using our unique tried and tested algorithm fine tuned using 100s of real life quarter mile times.

Ariel Quarter (1/4) Mile Times List

5.411 seconds @ 133.2mph (214.4 kph)
5.506 seconds @ 132.5mph (213.2 kph)
6.388 seconds @ 126.1mph (202.9 kph)

Technical Figures and Specs

Choose a Marque for a list of more cars, figures and specs.

Car Figures:

Vauxhall-Opel Viva Brabham 1.2 8v

Vauxhall-Opel Viva Brabham 1.2 8v
Engine: Naturally Aspirated Petrol | 1159cc 8v St4
Top Speed: 90 mph
0-60mph: 14.40 seconds

Ford Escort RS 2000 4x4 MK5

Ford Escort RS 2000 4x4 MK5
Engine: Naturally Aspirated Petrol | 1998cc 16v St4
Top Speed: 207.6 kph
0-100kph: 8.6 seconds

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