Performance & Classic Car Data

Car 0-60 mph time Calculator | Estimator

Car 0 to 60 mph time Calculator

Add the Horsepower, Weight, Drive Type and/or the Transmission to find out the estimated 0-60mph time and quarter mile times.

Quarter Mile
Quarter Mile
Trap Speed
0 to

Calculator - Basis for Formula

Our 0-60 mph time and speed calculator has used real-life figures from 100s of officially published car statistics to test a complex formula.

The weight section of the calculator automatically adds 150lbs to account for yourself just in case you forget | get yourself on the weighing scales and adjust accordingly.

0-60 Calculator - Accuracy and Variables

The results in the 0-60 calculator are only statistical estimates. There are scores of factors that can affect quarter mile and 0-60mph times that may affect the results. Anything from air and tyre temperature to less obvious factors such as humidity and fuel mixture. However we have tested the formula over 100s of cars and we think it's a relatively accurate tool.;

  • Air Temperature and Humidity
  • Other Environmental Conditions (Rain etc)
  • Tyres
  • Tyre Pressure
  • Gearing
  • Boost
  • Driver Response Times and Talent
  • Fuel Mixture
  • Weight
  • Aerodynamics
  • Ground Conditions

Do you want to know what your engine size converts to in Cubic Inches or Cubic Centimetres find out here; Cubic Inches and Cubic Centimetres Engine Size Converter

Car Figures:

Pontiac GTO 5.7 V8

Pontiac GTO 5.7 V8
Engine: Naturally Aspirated Petrol | 5665cc 16v V8
Top Speed: 155 mph
0-60mph: 5.80 seconds

Audi 80 GT 1.8

Audi 80 GT 1.8
Engine: Naturally Aspirated Petrol | 1781cc 8v St4
Top Speed: 186.6 kph
0-100kph: 9.2 seconds

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